ÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ìÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ìÌÍÍÍÍÍÍ ú- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ a sIMPLE wAY tO hACK pCBOARD aND sUCCEED ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ -ú An eMC TeXT SPReaD By Sniper   ´Ý In the past few months many sysops have turned away from FORUM Þà ³Ý HACKS to Pcboard. Why you might ask? Well it is a very simple Þ³ ³Ý question to answer. Pcboard is 100% more configurable than any Þ³ ³Ý FORUM HACK out there. Anybody with a little programing backroundÞ³ ´Ý can write their own PPE's. Many of the authors have included Þà backdoors in their own PPE's to prevent sysop's to get away ú with not registering. Now here where I come in. I am running ú ú a board of my own (PCboard of Course) and I go into PWAFV where ú ³ it asks for a file name, so I just tried to type any file from ³ ³ there. (Ex. %C:\SHIT.TXT) To my surprise THe file was typed!!! ³ ³ to the screen, but that's nothing. I Logged onto The Deep, A ³ ³ 305 Phoenix board, And paged Great White the sysop. So I told ³ ³ him about that little BUG(?) in PWAFV and at the time he was ³ ³ setting up Slogon 2.0 from ViGilante, I told him he could put ³ ³ it in a Script file so that the board would run it. That's where ³ ³ it came together, Slogon writes a textfile for the AUTOMESSAGE. ³ ³ If you plug in %C:\PCB\MAIN\USERS in the AUTOMESSAGE when you ³ ³ Logoff, you can call back and when you get to see the ³ ³ AUTOMESSAGE what you see is the USERLIST with all the users ³ ³ PASSWORDS including the first one the sysop's account. From there³ ³ you hang up, call back, and logon as the sysop and when your at ³ ³ the main menu run 9 and go to DOORWAY from there do what you ³ ³ think would be nice. Another way is to run a PPE from the AUTO- ³ ³ MESSAGE. Instead of the % you enter !C:\PCB\PPL\EXAMPLE.PPE ³ ³ you could run a USER EDITOR, or whatever tickles your dick. ³ ³ ³ ³ To the Sysops that run Pcboard, Well any PPE that lets a user ³ ³ input text and then display it is a risk. Just go through your ³ ú PPE's and check them out. As for Slogon 2.0 Just edit LINE 2 ú ú of SLOGOFF.CNF so that it doesn't include the AUTOMESSAGE as a ú choice to the users. I already tried to execute and display files from the DIR.LST file and it didn't work and I also tried it from PWA's AUTOSIG Utility, And a few other PPE's and it didn't work. But there are plenty more PPE's that have this fault. If anybody finds any other BACKDOORS please write to me at sniper@cybernet.cse.fau.edu Greets go out to Fatal Error = Your the best Courier around keep up the good work. ;-) Great White = Thanks Lost Rider = What happened to PNX ?? WiLDCHiLD = Fix it fast!! The Speed Racer = What's Next? The Untimed = Cant we all just get along? BASiLiSK = Thanx for the release. July 15, 1994 (c) eMC. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ THe eLiTe MaFia oF CRaCKeRZ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Wana Be A Disto Site Fill out the application EMC-APP.EXE Damnit!@ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜßÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÛ ßß ... texts ...